Career confidences of brothers who work as construction workers

Have you ever asked yourself what predestined conditions led us to construction? Sometimes there are certain moments in our lives to look back and ponder on the path we are going. There are hardships, challenges, stumbling and then standing up strongly. We always dream of a bright day to overcome challenges in the profession. Here is the mind of real thinking, reflection, or even the vain idea of ​​a brother’s job as a builder, about the path and fate to each of our jobs. Invite your readers to share your feelings and share your feelings and will find empathy in every confidant


Mr. Le Trong Nam said: Why I don’t like to go to construction.


When I graduated from school, there was a time when I went with a construction unit to the construction site. At that time, there was the Head of Project Manager, who accompanied the Director of the construction unit, went together to have a long run to follow so that the boss could tell him and let the boss add the extravagant part because there were soldiers accompanying the servant. there must be soldiers with you)

When coming to the construction site, after reviewing the situation, discovering that the construction party did not follow the right process, the PMU immediately said: “What the hell are you doing?”

The construction director answered something I didn’t remember. But something is clear to my unit. It is sunny like red fire, the site is dusty so people are more likely to get angry. Then again, the PMU was not satisfied with the way the Director of Construction immediately shouted:
“You work like that, how dare you argue back to me? I will kick a shot for you to fall into the foundation pit right now…!” – Sorry I have to quote the full text of the curse, so that you can see how insulting he is.

Listen to that sentence. For a long time the spare parts were green, all were silent. I think that the Construction Director will react strongly to such offensive statements. But I was quite surprised when the director did the opposite, lowering his voice: “im so sorry” .

At that time, I felt so ill-humored. Even knowing that the A side is the one has lot of money. But why have to depend on money to do that?? Where is his honor??
And I realized that, for the benefit of the construction company in which there was a great benefits of the other director, he chose the solution to condescend the A side despite the frustration, so insulting.

Through this, I promise I will insist on not following the construction path.


Nguyen Viet Hoang said:


– At first when I graduated, I always wanted to follow the construction industry and strive to be the captain, because I saw the construction workers just pointing to the workers looking so cool, and also hearing is many construction captain extremely wealthy and Director of construction business, they all came from the people of the construction site.

And then after 2 years of striving, I was fortunate to be pushed to the construction site by the favored boss and concurrently held the position of captain instead of the one he was working on but Party A criticized and made the acceptance test results continuously. I approached 1 time, immediately clash “supervisor assassin” to catch errors contractors to extort money envelopes. The majority of errors are silly in style: the distance of the reinforcement must be the same distance (like mechanical). Lack of 5mm also catches a correction error. I was very upset and then tried to give him a lesson. My way is: no more interest, it’s a capital. Ok. I hire the best equipment, the most skilled workers pay high wages. Then do the right drawings not wrong anywhere according to technical standards. At that time the next morning was the foundation acceptance, the previous afternoon, after checking the heart and Ok, I proceeded to remove the pile of construction guide poles, leaving only the landmark handed over by Party A.
The next morning, the “supervisor assassin” went to the car, the hair was shiny and chose very smartly, it was near lunch time (probably to count Party B to have a drink). He watched for a while and then overheard his voice:

– Hey, where are the pegs for testing??
– Entangled construction, I have to spit it out. – I answered loudly.
Hot face monitoring:
– Go close the landmark immediately and bring the ruler for me to check. After 15 minutes it must be done.
I slowly replied:
– I will not do it if you have the attitude to order it to me. If you ask me kindly, I do. But do not loudly even though it is. Monitoring must have a method of checking and buying equipment yourself to check??
Insane supervision:
– How dare you said that to me?. If you don’t, I will turn back and not acceptance.
I replied – still slowly:
– I am a construction, I have self-collected internally and see OK all. The standard mold pile is still intact, so if the Supervisor does not believe, then take it yourself. My construction mission is finished. The remaining work is assigned to the Supervisor. You want to ask for help, be fair, I will help. If you are overbearing, I refuse to do it. If you indicate which regulations of the State or the construction contract i must serve for supervision and acceptance testing, I will do it immediately. And if you like to not accepting, then go back. And help me to remember to write in the diary: “because the contractor does not plug the lead mold and take the ruler for A side, so A side leaves with no acceptance”.

Cage supervision:
– You dare say that. I don’t write. I’m back.
I’m still calm:
– It’s okay if you don’t write. I will record it in the same notebook.

Result: supervision left. I recorded. Afterwards I reported to the Director of the Investor’s side and my company immediately. And the hot meeting is conducted and the and the parties go to the test site.
– They praised me for very good and standard construction. Qualified. But suggested to next time should not stress with Supervisor.
– That “supervisor assassin” was transferred and they replaced with another supervisor.


Nguyen Minh Long confided:


In my opinion, I should look more objectively and optimistically to live easily. Because everything has its duality. If you only look at the bad side, it is really bad. But if you look at the good side, it is OK to work. Then, if we look at the bad side of this job to compare it with the good side of another job, so you can see why other work is so good.

Try it:
– Construction construction: away from home regularly, neglect your wife and children, hard work and hardships. Is the “mud bottom” component in construction, on the threat, under the hammer: under supervision consultant, under the investor, must listen to the design … oh why the job is so miserable.
Looking at the Banking industry, it looks like: high salary, lots of bonuses, air-conditioned rooms, and always smiling, seeing it for a while. Oh, life more than ever!

But the opposite is true:
– Construction work is extremely liberal. After worked in the morning, at afternoon, I drank his cup, he drank my cup immediately. Extreme work but very comfortable walking. Not to mention the “sharing” style gimmick, the story of life understands, whoever knows who immediately knows. Loving the profession, it is necessary to engrave the slogan: “Each work is a child”. There is nothing left to go there. Delicious and strange things: Centipede snake, python, monkeys all know well. Builders have a great reputation: they are always famous as rich people making money. So girls can be chased, where the saw is falling. Oh! Construction career is extremely happy!

As for banking career: bundle of knees to sit in one place, under pressure from customers, cursing at the end of the day to close the book at the end of the day; More burden of revenue, each person has to brace themselves to find mobilization. If not, the reward is deducted. Always have to laugh, even when there is a very sad story, there must be a grin. If k, customers complain and reflect immediately. Oh, what kind of job is it!



– For me personally, I still love construction more than anything. That is my debt. But the construction profession has a multitude of expertise to practice: project management, design, supervision, construction, cost management … among them, for me personally not suitable for Construction job: because only that profession has “salesmanship”, “humiliating” so horrible, does not fit my straightforward personality..

But I choose career management, supervision, and cost management. This is the field of construction that I find the best no job is equal. There are many roads in construction. Choose the path that best suits you. Don’t ever get bored of it.