Party Tell Me

Tell Me - Party

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    Everything is convenient simply with a smartphone

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    The price is already listed on the Tellme application, you just have peace of mind and enjoy the service

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    You were invited to a party but no one came along ? You want to have a friend so you don’t have to go alone ? Pick up the phone and schedule it now !

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    The application Tell Me was born to merely to meet the needs of those who are feeling lonely, empty, want a friend to confide and share to overcome the difficulties of life

The Highlights Of The Tell Me - Party

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Why should you use Tellme - Party

In the middle of a busy life, many people feel tired when trying to live in anxiety and stress that cannot be solved.

Or at gala dinners, you are invited to attend but don’t want to go alone. Want a friend to accompany so you don’t have to feel lost in the crowd.

The Tellme – Party service aims to give customers a simple friend, a solution that only allows them to get the motivation to overcome all difficulties.


Note when using Tellme – Party:

Say no to unhealthy services: Modern society, the concept of “People” leasing is no stranger, but many individuals have taken advantage to provide disguised services. Tellme is committed to not providing any form other than “listeners”.

If you have any problem or questions about Tellme – Party please contact us now for free advice and answers.

Frequently Asked Questions

If customers want to book an appointment to foreign countries, please contact operator 1900 63.62.92 for specific support.

The time of the appointment will be proposed by the customer and the staff may refuse or approve.

Tellme’s money will be converted to TIM units. (1 TIM = 25,000VND)

The client request application must have the corresponding TIM number for the service you selected. After you complete the service, the application will automatically deduct from your account.

Currently the application can run on iOS 11 and above operating systems, and all Android operating systems