Story of the profession “listening”

For most operators, there is no more joy than debugging customers, because it is not only a job but also a connection between them and their customers.

Having just finished the call of a fastidious customer asking about promotion, with a gentle and cheerful tone, Mrs. Pham Thi Duy Ha (call agent – total customer service attendant) continues to receive a call. In other words, graciousness responds to customers’ complaints about a newly purchased phone in trouble. Just like that, during 8 hours of official work, she and many other callers received about 120 calls from hundreds of customers …

Occupation is not disengaged

The operator only sits in one place, the sun does not come to the head, the rain does not come to the feet, so what is it? In fact, when interviewing the switchboards at the call center of a large electronics company, we know that on average, every 4-5 minutes, each operator must receive a new call in 8 working hours. Each call is each personality, each emotional level: happy, angry, reproachful … Not to mention, in order to sit in this position, they must possess a voice that is sympathetic, responsive and patient and sophistication in capturing customer psychology … These are just very basic requirements. Professional call center operators must constantly strive to refresh themselves to meet the increasing standards of customer care.

“People say this job is “a profession heard scolded” but I don’t think so. Every time I listen to a customer story is an opportunity for me to deal with the difficulties and problems they are having. Regularly facing the emotional and sad emotions of customers is a way for me to love my job and improve my career awareness” – Ms. Mai Anh, a 3-year senior at Samsung Customer Care Center , share. She also said that it is not easy to satisfy all customers with different ages and personalities, but it can be done as a professional operator.

Refresh yourself every day

The “refresh” does not stop at updating technology knowledge through the company’s training courses, but also the individual marketing of each employee. For this person, it is possible to refresh the voice, in addition to the expressive and expressive voice, clear and understandable, they must practice the tone, intonation, volume to the hit point to show enthusiasm, that is Not to mention how to choose appropriate words by region … For others, learn how to “laugh” more. Because when laughing, the voice also brings your own joyful emotions, conveying the friendliness and goodwill to support customers. Operators also regularly learn from each other’s experience of counseling to enrich their consulting style. However, “always listening to customers is the way we refresh ourselves. Because, customers always bring us a new daily, hourly and we have to constantly update to keep up with them ”– Ms. Hoai Thuong, Samsung’s operator, shared.